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Gazette Newsletter


The St. Louis Gender Foundation’s Gazette newsletter has informed its members for many decades with a history dating back to the early days of our organization in the 1970’s.


A newsletter subscription is a membership benefit accessible via a log-in and password portal to this web site’s “documents” section.


Members can also do a member log-in via the Home page and gain access to the Archive that includes current issues as well as many years’ prior issues of the Gazette.

(See sample page at left)

Gazette Newsletter Publication Policy


The “Gazette” is a monthly publication. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to publication. For information please use our e-mail address: . All submissions become the property of St. Louis Gender Foundation, and should be accompanied by a release-to print statement.


Letters, articles, and/or pictures that are lewd, include nudity, profanity, or obscenities will not be published. We also reserve the right not to publish any other materials that we consider inappropriate. All submissions become property of The St. Louis Gender Foundation and should be accompanied by a release-to-print statement.


The Gazette will not print articles that mock; insult or falsely accuse any member or non-member and any organization or business. The Gazette will not print any endorsements for political candidates The Editor does request that any articles over three pages be divided into two-part or three-part series.


The Newsletter editor will monitor all materials submitted for publication and publish said materials with the final approval of the Board of StLGF. All issues are copyrighted. However, any nonprofit organization or publication may reprint articles or other information from the newsletter, provided they allow the free use of their materials by other non-profit organizations.